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BHK Child Development Celebrates 50 Years in the Copper Country in 2024

2024 will be a big year for Baraga Houghton Keweenaw Child Development. 2024 marks the organization’s 50th anniversary. Commemorating five decades of dedication to empowering families and nurturing futures. In 1974 BHK was established as a dynamic multifaceted human services organization focused on influencing the lives of children and families in Baraga, Houghton, and Keweenaw Counties. Starting BHK began as a half-day summer pre school program. The organization has since grown to encompass a variety of programs across fifteen locations. Anchored by the Head Start program BHK has grown to include programs that support pregnancy, education and socialization groups for parents and grandparents, after-school programs, and programs designed to help young people obtain their diploma or GED. BHK proudly stands as an influential organization impacting the thousands of families and children in the copper country. As the year continues BHK plans to roll out community events leading up to the organization’s celebration of 50 years in the Keweenaw peninsula in June.

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