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Superior Health Foundation Accepting Gala Partner Proposals Until End of December

The Superior Health Foundation has already begun putting together plans for its annual gala for 2024. With all of the planning ahead, the foundation also hopes non-profits in the Upper Peninsula will do a little planning themselves. The Superior Health Foundation plans to commit funding to a health-centered project at the gala. Before then the foundation will ask non-profits to submit funding requests for health center projects that will impact communities in the Upper Peninsula. Project propels should connect to superior health foundations’ mission to assist with unmet health needs through education, and programs focused on preventing illness or promoting health in the upper peninsula. Superior Health Foundation will accept the annual gal project proposals until December 29th. The foundation will select the non-profit to be honored at the gala around the end of January. The Superior Health Foundation’s annual gala in 2024 will take place at Northern Michigan University in September.

Annual Gala Partner Application

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