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Learn How to Deal with Grief While with Others Tomorrow

The emotions brought out by grief are sometimes tricky to navigate for anyone. Whether the loss of a loved one comes suddenly or was expected for some time. How someone reacts to that loss can allow that same individual to develop a feeling that what they are going through is not normal. Tomorrow morning Omega House the Copper Shores Community Health Foundation and Superior Health Foundation have brought to the area a community grief awareness event. During the event, Keynote speaker mark Marion with Omega House will share how grief for everyone looks different, but that doesn’t mean you’re alone.

here’s an idea that people should go through grief normally. But there just is no normal grief.” – Mark Marion, Keynote Speaker

Those interested in joining the Community Grief Awareness event do need to preregister for the event. The event will begin at 10 am tomorrow, at Saint Peter and paul Lutheran church in Houghton. Throughout the event, groups will break into small group sessions for more intimate discussion. 

Register for the event.

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