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Practice Before Getting in the Air

Today students from areas around the region earn the opportunity to take flight for the first time. But just like with a real flight plan, students had a lot to do in preparation of getting in the air. Part of that included working in the classroom with instructors with the Copper Country Civil air Patrol, maps, and a flight simulator.

I always think going on planes is really cool. And obviously Top Gun I’m a fan. And I heard fabulous things about it from people who have taken this class. And I really wanted to see what it was about. I’m super excited to be able to fly an actual airplane. It always sounded super cool to me, and it’s awesome that I get that opportunity.” – Caroline Furmanski 

While some students practiced mapping flight plans using compasses and maps. The other half of the class practiced landing a simulated cessna plane. Similar to the plans they flew today.

“For one when you’re using the simulator it’s a little more sensitive. A real aircraft has a heavier feel to it. Which actually I think makes it a lot easier.” – Kevin Cadeau, CAP Flight Instructor

The civil Air patrol’s three instructors worked closely with students. Showing how the airplane can easily over correct. Their first goal was to land the simulator on  the run way.

“The turning surprised me. It was harder than I thought, but also a lot easier. And the joysticks are a little weird because it’s not exactly like a plane.” – Eva Seeley

Sometimes the instructors took over, helping students to land the plane.

They’re very helpful, like when I was having trouble landing the simulator. They turn for me, and made sure I would do small movements. They’ve been very nice and they’re very comedic too.” – Alyssa Gay

Every year the Civil Air patrol invites students to their flight school, teach students to fly high, and about different career options in aviation. During the past decade students from Michigan Wisconsin, and Illinois have taken their first steps toward becoming a licensed pilot with the Copper Country Civil Air Patrol through the Michigan Tech Summer Youth Program.

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