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Hancock Council Wrap: City Passes Solar/Wind Ordinance, Approves 2023-24 Budget

The city of Hancock has approved the city’s operating budget for the 2023-24 fiscal year. Hancock leadership noted that the city’s budget will look similar to last year’s budget. The city mileages for the general fund, police department, fire department and recreation fund will remain the same as last year.

The  city additionally approved a solar and wind energy ordinance that will regulate residential and businesses seeking to harness alternative energy to help reduce operational expenses. The Hancock planning commission, particularly members Susan Burack and Steve Walton, have worked to develop the solar and wind ordinance over the past year. The city looked at what other towns in the state have done to accomplish residential alternative energy regulations. Residents and business owners interested in learning more about how to install solar panel or enclosed single home wind turbine technology can find the city of haycocks new ordinance on the city’s website.

The city council has added Alan Salmi to the Hancock Transit Local Advisory Board. The group plans to met in the near future to discuss the board’s responsibilities and goals for the year.

Additionally Hancock will seek road improvement funding from MDOT for two projects that would occur sometime in 2024. Hancock would submit a fifty percent match on grant funding for each of the projects, if awarded. The city has previously applied for MDOT funding for similar work. Such as the poplar street project set to take place this summer. Hancock’s match funds for the potential projects will come out of the city’s local street fund budget. Hancock leadership expects MDOT to announce funding awards in early autumn.

 Last Hancock will sign a letter of support for the Hancock Housing Foundation’s grant application with MEDC for a revitalization and place-making grant. The grant would fund a 50 unit housing project in the former funeral home across from the Lakeview Manor. Hancock has found difficulty in gaining approval for such a project without a private developer attached. This is the second time the Hancock Housing Foundation has applied for the MEDC grant for the housing project, as the city attempts to address the housing shortage within city limits.

 Hancock will still meet on June 21st, as per the city charter for the regular city council meeting.

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