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Stay Healthy as Respiratory Illness Cases Rise in Michigan

The flu, common cold, Covid – 19, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV, tend to be on the rise this time of the year. The winter weather forces people into smaller enclosed areas which can increase the chances of getting sick. There are plenty of locations around the local area that you can stop and get up to date on the flu shot, or covid 19 vaccine. Across the state all three viruses, the flu, RSV and Covid -19, have been on the rise, prompting some county health departments to encourage the use of vaccines during this time of the year. When getting sick can occur much more easily. Marquette County’s Health Department sent out a press release yesterday, warning of the rise in infections in their community and encouraging residents to go out and get their annual flu shot, and update their vaccination status. Within their release to the public they also encouraged the community to remain physically active during the winter months, practice good hygiene and cover your nose or mouth when you cough or sneeze. As well as avoid close contact when indoors with strangers, and avoid touching parts of your face like your eyes, nose and mouth. Read the full press release from Marquette County, and their tips for staying healthy this winter below.

Michigan Flu Dashboard

CDC RSV State Data Dashboard

Michigan Covid – 19 Dashboard


MARQUETTE, MI | December 12, 2022 | To minimize the spread of influenza this winter, UP Health System – Marquette—in collaboration with the Marquette County Health Department—is encouraging all employees, medical personnel and community members to get vaccinated as soon as possible. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends annual flu vaccination for everyone six months and older, with any age-appropriate flu vaccine.

“With flu, RSV, and COVID-19 circulating simultaneously now in our community, being up-to-date on your flu shot and COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters are more important than ever,” said Christine Stryker, MBA, MSN, RN, chief nursing officer at UP Health System – Marquette. “Getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent disease and help you stay healthy this fall and winter. It is not too late to get a flu shot and a COVID-19 vaccination or up-to-date booster if you have not already done so. Being vaccinated will also help give you valuable peace of mind that you’re doing everything you can to guard against these illnesses and protect yourself, your family and your community.”

The best ways to protect against the flu and COVID-19 are to:

  • Get vaccinated and encourage your friends and family to do the same, especially those at greater risk for serious flu-related complications (children younger than five, adults 65 and older, pregnant women, and those with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart and lung diseases and more).
  • Practice good health habits. Avoid close contact with others and stay home when you are sick; practice good hand hygiene; cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing; and avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Take antiviral medications to treat flu and COVID-19 if prescribed by a provider. 

“The Marquette County Health Department has seen a noticeable rise in respiratory illness rates in our community. With the holidays approaching, and people spending time together, it’s likely those numbers will increase. The health department has over-the-counter COVID-19 tests available for pick-up at our office located at 184 US 41 East in Negaunee Township. Flu and COVID-19 vaccination appointments are also open for all ages, including primary series and booster doses. Patients can call 906.475.7844 to schedule an appointment,” stated Gerald Messana, MPA, health officer for the Marquette County Health Department. 

Prioritizing your health and the health of your loved ones is essential. But knowing where to go to get the care you need can sometimes be confusing. It’s important to know the resources available to you ahead of time so you can receive the best possible care in the right setting.

Whether you need primary care, urgent care, or are having a medical emergency—you can count on UP Health System – Marquette to help. Any medical emergency—including respiratory distress—should be evaluated at your nearest emergency room as soon as possible. If you are experiencing shortness of breath, go to your nearest emergency room or dial 9-1-1.  

For information about the flu and other respiratory viruses, visit the CDC website. To find where to get vaccinated in your area, click on Vaccines.gov, or visit the Marquette County Health Department’s website

For more information about UP Health System – Marquette, visit UPHealthSystem.com.


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