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Hancock City Raises Parking Fines, Delays SRO Decision

Most parking fines in the City of Hancock are set to double.

The new fee schedule approved by the city council last night will still keep the vast majority of fines at $20 or less. Notable exceptions include a $50 fine for parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, a $500 fine for blocking a fire hydrant during fire, and a $150 fine for illegally parking in a handicap space.

The new fees will take effect tomorrow. See the entire list here.

The council discussed the potential appointment of a police School Resource Officer to work with the Hancock School District. Action was deferred until the city’s attorney submits an opinion, and until a new police chief has been hired.

City officials have interviewed five of the seven candidates for the open police chief position. Second interviews with each of the five will be held in the next few days. Current Chief Wayne Butler is retiring.

The city also has a millage request for additional police funds on the November ballot. If approved, the 0.8 mill, 15-year levy would generate around $100,000 in its first year.

Bill Siler Contracting was hired to pave a section of Water Street.

The council approved the purchase of a Chevrolet 3500HD pickup truck from Keweenaw Chevrolet Buick GMC, at a cost of $46,215. The truck will be used for plowing – but not this winter. There’s an eight-month waiting list.

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