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WUPHD looking for more survey returns

Every three years the Western Upper Peninsula Health Department sends out community health surveys as part of a larger effort to ensure public health programs across the region meet the needs of residents. Recipients are randomly chosen. In a bid to get as many coming back as possible, thus enhancing the quality of the data they get, those who return the forms will be eligible for a series of cash prizes. Chief Health Officer Kate Beer says the forms provide better information than what the department can collect through other methods.

It’s data right from our own population, so it’s extremely helpful when we’re looking at comparing ourselves to other locations, and perhaps other communities, and perhaps seeing what programs we need, what programs work.

The surveys came in bright yellow packets, postmarked August 12th. If you returned them before the end of last month, you are eligible for a potential $50 gift certificate for grocery purchases.

In a press release WUPHD says, “A total of 32 Upper Peninsula healthcare partners, including hospitals, local health departments, behavioral health agencies, and other regional healthcare providers and funders developed the survey in order to learn more about community health needs and plan services to meet those needs.”

You can read more below.


Local healthcare providers are reminding U.P. residents who received an important health survey in the mail that now is a great time to fill it out and return it on-line or using the free business reply envelope provided.

“If you haven’t already submitted your survey, please do so,” said Western U.P. Health Department Health Officer Kate Beer. “A larger response will give us more accurate county health data.”

A total of 32 Upper Peninsula healthcare partners, including hospitals, local health departments, behavioral health agencies, and other regional healthcare providers and funders developed the survey in order to learn more about community health needs and plan services to meet those needs.

The yellow survey booklets were mailed in clear plastic envelopes on Aug. 12 to randomly selected residential addresses across all 15 Upper Peninsula counties.

Beer said there are two good reasons to complete the survey and return it promptly – you can help identify community health needs, AND enter to win a $50 grocery card. Residents completing the survey by August 31st will are eligible for the drawing. 

Question topics include health insurance coverage; access to care; eating and exercise habits; alcohol, tobacco and drug use; and use of preventive services such as flu shots and mammograms.

The survey is completely anonymous and the health information of individuals will never be shared or reported. The final deadline for completion of the surveys is September 15th.

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