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Baraga County Board Of Commissioners Pass 2020-2021 Budget

Austerity was the watchword, as the Baraga County Board of Commissioners approved the 2020-2021 budget last evening.

During the public hearing on the proposed document, commission chair Mike Koskinen listed some of the cuts.

“No wage increases, no hours increases, the HSA did not go up, MSU has not been funded, fair board has not been funded.”

District One MSU Extension Service Director Paul Putnam said he understands the stresses the county faces.

“We’ve staffed even when we’ve had no county support in the past, but I would appreciate it if we could perhaps have a conversation to see is there anything we could do intermediately here.”

Commissioners agreed to keep the dialogue open.

This year’s general fund budget of $4,066,812 is roughly $83,000 less than last year’s.

Treasurer Jill Tollefson said she was intentionally conservative.

“Because we don’t know the outcome of this year to what’s going to happen for next year.”

Commissioner Bill Menge noted that the county also faces some maintenance challenges.

“Both the administration building and the courthouse are leaking right now.”

After passing the budget at a special meeting, the board also approved the annual contract with Tri-County Public Defenders, which provides legal services for indigent defendants.

Commissioners decided to offer for sale a parcel of land on Huron Bay.

The 2.5-acre plot was donated to the county about five years ago.

It is landlocked, although one side is bordered by state land, and the DNR has indicated it might be amenable to working out an easement.

The bay frontage is a high bluff, with no usable beach below at this time.

The owner of some adjoining property approached the county about a potential purchase.

Commissioners decided to accept bids, with a minimum price of $30,000.

Anyone interested can get specifics from the Baraga County Clerk’s office. Bids must be turned in by 4:00 pm October 12th.

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