It’s time for students of the Hancock School District to start turning in their Chromebooks.
This, from an email sent to parents, by Superintendent Dr. Steve Patchin.
There are a couple ways to do so.
Within the next two weeks, Chromebooks can be dropped off during meal pick up on Wednesday at Barkell Elementary from 10a-1p, or they can be dropped off through the drop box at Hancock High School.
Dr. Patchin thanked library staff and the REMC Technology Team for making them available during the shutdown.
The District’s meal program has also been extended through the end of August.
Those picking up meals this Wednesday, will also receive an extra 10 pound box of dairy products, compliments of 31 Backpacks.
With the U.P. set to enter Phase 5 tomorrow, residents of Hancock, can take advantage of curbside pickup at the district library.
School hours will be from 7a-3p Monday through Thursday, beginning June 15th, and ending July 31st.
The district is also working with the Michigan High School Athletic Association, to get the schools open, so athletes can begin practicing and working out.
They are also working on a way to reopen the wood and metal shops.
It was also noted that in August, the budget picture will be more clear.
So far, the district is planning on returning to face to face instruction, with a full sports schedule in the Fall.