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Michigan Tech Professors Working On Ways To Store Renewable Energy

Two professors from Michigan Tech, and one from Texas A & M are working on a way to store energy generated by alternative power sources, by using abandoned underground mining sites here in the Copper Country.

If their work is successful, it could be the blueprint to provide continuous power from intermittent and zero emission resources.

The two biggest sources of renewable energy are solar and wind, because once installed, they have no fuel cost or emissions and contribute very little to climate change concerns.

Since both solar and wind are intermittent, meaning the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow 24/7, that is a problem for our country’s electricity grids, which require instant, balanced power to run properly.

Enter Michigan Tech grad Joe Dancey, who now works for Texas A & M who broke down their project like this.

Currently, the team of Joe Dancey, Tim Scarlett and Roman Sidortsov are hoping to secure funding, so student researchers can start initial work this Summer. 

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