The following press release was issued by the Range Lions Club.
The Range Lions Club held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, February 18, 2019 at the Range Lounge in South Range.
Range Lions recognized Lions Richard Andrews, Mary Lou Wisti, Duane Pangrazzi and Janet Gregorich for perfect attendance with a certificate and attendance award pin for the past year.
Jim Slater, Lt. Governor of Division 10 of local Kiwani’s, gave a presentation on the special needs of building ramps for the local elderly citizens in our area.
Range Lions announced winners of their annual fall promotion for sight conservation and civic improvement as follows:
Week #12–Joanne Blumhardt and Teri Braun
Week #13–Randy Heinonen and Gail Baima
Week #14–Vern Harlock and Chris Downey
Week #15–South Range 4th of July committee and Bob Whipple