The annual photo contest for the Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition is underway.
The contest is meant to recognize the beauty of the local landscape and its inhabitants through photographs.
Photos must be from the Upper Peninsula, with one submission per category per person.
The contest deadline is Friday, November 16th with winners announced in each category in the winter UPEC newsletter.
They also may be part of an on-line photo gallery and on display at the next Celebrate the UP event.
UPEC Photo Contest Rules:
You may submit one photo in each of these four categories:
1. Nature panoramas, wildlife, and landscapes
2. Humans engaged with the natural world
3. Close-ups of hidden or overlooked beauty
4. Wonderful fluid water
Send a separate email for each category you enter, indicating the category name in the subject line.
PLEASE put your last name and photo caption in each photo title along with the two letter category designation, e.g. NP, HE, HB, FL. Thank you! Example: richardson evening sunset HB.jpg
Each category has latitude open to the photographer’s interpretation. Photos must be from the Upper Peninsula, with one submission per category per person. Remember, the deadline: Nov. 16.
Please send high-resolution (1 megabyte or larger) photos to Provide your name, the category it should be considered under, and a description for each photo indicating the place and other aspects of the scene or subject. Photos not following the titling format listed above will not be considered.
In your email please grant permission for UPEC to reproduce the photo in its newsletters and website. In recognition, winning photos will be published in upcoming UPEC newsletters. They also may be part of an on-line photo gallery and on display at the next Celebrate the UP!
Enjoy your summer photo taking!
P.O. Box 673
Houghton, MI 49931
United States