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Free Well Testing for Flooded Water Wells

HOUGHTON COUNTY – Western U.P. Health Department is offering free well testing kits to residents with water wells that were flooded over the weekend. The health department continues to issue precautions for homeowner with wells that have been flooded due to the severe storm Sunday morning that resulted in erosion and flooding.

Water from a well that has been flooded should be assumed to be contaminated. If the water level rose above the top of the well casing, the well has been flooded. Bottled water is recommended until the well tests free of bacteria. Free bottled water is available for emergency distribution at the Calumet Colosseum and Dee Stadium in Houghton for flood victims.

In order to ensure that the water is safe, the well should be disinfected, then the water should be tested to make sure the water is safe for drinking. Well disinfection instructions are available on the health department website www.wupdhd.org.

Free water testing kits for flood victims are available at the health department office in Hancock. If you already picked up a kit, notify the health department to participate in the free testing. For more information, contact Tanya Rule, Environmental Health Director at (906) 482-7382.

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