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Silent no longer, Kiranada Sterling Benjamin comes to Finlandia

Finlandia University is excited to host author and artist, Kiranada Sterling Benjamin, on campus this week.

She will be teaching a rozome workshop June 20-24, specializing in different techniques in the fiber arts studio in the Jutila Center. Rozome is the art of creating patterns on silk using dyes and wax to create negative spaces.

Additionally, the author will be reading from her new memoir, A Year of Silence: Solitary Retreat in the New Zealand Wilderness, as well as doing a public book signing at North Wind Books on June 21. Benjamin’s book, published in May 2018, details her year of silence in a retreat in New Zealand.

Many people would not choose to enter into such a long commitment to silence, however Benjamin had previously participated in a number of silent retreats. Though most of these were for much shorter time frames, after extensive research she was captivated by the idea of what the experience would give her.

Story originally posted at finlandia.edu/news.

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