June 7, 2016 — The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is sponsoring “Training Wheels” courses in the Upper Peninsula to help communities provide on-road bicycle facilities (bike routes, bicycle lanes, and shared roadways) for residents and visitors. The six-hour course includes both classroom and outdoor instruction. Sessions will be offered June 14 in Sault Ste. Marie, June 15 in Escanaba, June 16 in Hancock, and June 17 in Ironwood.
“Training Wheels” teaches how to integrate bike facilities into existing infrastructure, providing alternate transportation to make roads “complete” for everyone. Classroom instruction using a guide produced by the American Association for State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is followed by an on-road, on-bike portion, which provides participants a firsthand look at the benefits of accommodating bicycle travel.
Motorists are advised to pay close attention when driving near bicyclists and pedestrians as the warmer summer months lure people outdoors. Michigan has a number of bike lanes plus thousands of miles of shared-use pathways for bicyclists to use and enjoy. This 30-second “share the road” video encourages everyone to share the road. The video, which features cameo appearances by State Transportation Director Kirk T. Steudle and Secretary of State Ruth Johnson, reminds bicyclists to follow the rules of the road, and motorists to pass bicyclists at a safe distance.
If interested in Training Wheels, e-mail the contacts below. Space is limited.
June 14, 2016 Sault Ste. Marie jroney@saultcity.com
June 15, 2016 Escanaba kpeterson@escanaba.org
June 16, 2016 Hancock manager@cityofhancock.net
June 17, 2016 Ironwood ericksons@cityofironwood.org