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Gov. Snyder Lays out Agenda for 2016

There’s more on the governor’s to-do list for 2016 than reforming the state’s energy policy and passing a plan to get Detroit Public Schools out of debt.

Those two issues are the most high profile ones but there are other things on Governor Rick Snyder’s plate, like criminal justice reforms.

A measure, backed by the governor, that would allow non-violent criminals to be released from prison once they have served their minimum sentence passed the House in 2015 but stalled in the Senate where it will be rolled into a broader criminal justice reform plan.

The governor also wants to tackle the growing problem of prescription painkiller abuse in the state.

A task force was put together over the summer to look into prescription painkiller abuse in Michigan. It came back with recommendations in October, which Snyder says will spawn legislation next year.

Criminal justice reforms, energy policy and DPS are all issues the governor prioritized in 2015 that will roll in to 2016.

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