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House Committee Quizes MDE on M-STEP Results

One state lawmaker says the state may be setting its proficiency goals for students taking the new M-STEP exam too low.

The Michigan Department of Education’s Vanessa Keeler says they’re eyeing 85 percent proficiency by 2025.

But State Representative Amanda Price, chair of the House Education Committee, thinks it should be 100 percent.

Regardless of the number, she wants to know how MDE is going to get there considering about half of the students who took the exam were proficient in English Language Arts.

Keeler says that would require a nearly 4 percent improvement every year, which may not realistic.

As for how low students scored on this first go-round, Keeler says Michigan’s numbers are on par with other states when they took the M-STEP for the first time.

Keeler testified before the committee Thursday.

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